Sunday, December 10, 2006

Video Shoot is a Wrap!

Ñeco has recently concluded the video shoot for his 1st single "Lamento tu Ausencia" for his upcoming release from Ñ Music Group, "A lo que vine". A really catchy, romantic tune that talks about regreting to let go on a strong relationship and trying to fullfill the emptiness that follows. Video was shot through out beautiful Coral Gables and Miami Beach.
The music video was Directed by Amaury Blondet for BloC-O LLC. Cinematography and Co-direction by Bryan Withers.
Appereances by upcoming model Susana Gonzalez. Overseeing the production was Cristina Collazo for BloC-O LLC.
The song promises to catapult Ñeco's career into new heights, introducing a fresh sound to the urban / reggeaton scene, combining beatiful profound lyrics driven by the atractive flavor of reggeaton music.

Go to for more details!

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